I have known Katja for a number years now she has been a fill event student and is now a competent spirit artist.
Her art work is vibrant and beautiful and she has the ability to tune in to both her client and the spirit world and create a piece of healing art specifically tailored to her customer.
Katja is capable of drawing the faces of the visitors from the spirit whether they be family , ancestors or guides and inspiring influences from the other worlds.
I am sure that anyone commissioning Katja to draw or paint for them would be extremely happy with the result.
Lynn Cottrell
In the past few years I’ve had the privilege of having several readings from Katja and every single one of these has been enlightening and empowering all in their own special and unique way. No two readings are ever the same. Through her psychic and mediumship abilities and her talented spirit art I’ve had a guide come through, my ancestors and a dear beloved family member. I even have one of her beautiful pieces of artwork framed and displayed in my home. I highly recommend treating yourself to a reading with her as there is always treasure to be found and the journey just evolves and continues in ways you can’t begin to imagine.
Elizabeth Lindsay EDL
Katja is a gifted psychic medium and Spirit artist who can sense the continuity of life beyond the Veil. She creates very beautiful and sensitively painted pictures of departed loved ones and Spirit Guides. Treat yourself to one of her special portraits from the Beyond!
Mary Varilly
Katja has experience from a wide set of art styles, and resides the quality to put what she feels and perceives on paper, and explain it so that it gives meaning to you. You can enjoy her art in many different ways, from a tool in a personal dialogue to a piece that beautifies your home.
Katja has the most beautiful gift...her art and connection to spirit blend harmoniously. I am lucky enought to have one of her creations, a soul path potrait. These come with a beautiful healing message. i will treasure it. Her artwork is a blend of realism and abstract and will brighten any heart and home.
Irene x
Katja on omatakeinen ja taitava henkitaiteilija ja meedio. Katja tavoittaa henkitaiteellaan tilanteiden ja ihmisten keskeiset energiat ja selvästi töihin kanavoituu henkimaailman rakkaudelliset viestit ja parantava voima. Katja avaa yleensä näkemäänsä juuri riittävästi että ihmiselle jää tilaa myös miettiä itse sanoman merkitys. Pidän Katjan hienovaraisesta mutta suorasta tyylistä kertoa viestit ja näkemänsä asiat. Lämpimästi voin suositella. Minulla on yksi sateenkaaren värein toteutettu työ, jonka Katja on tehnyt henkiparannuspiirin energioissa ja tämä työ on kääntänyt kaikkien vieraideni katseet haltioituneena puoleensa.
Minna Luoto